Moller Woedel L5
Surgical liposuction system as BS-LIPS5 is one of the most popular surgical invasive lipolysis solution. It includes an infusion mechanism and cannula for infusion of the tumescent anesthetic solution, suction apparatus, and suction cannulas of specifi ed diameters and tip designs. Tip shapes vary and include blunt, bullet, spatula, and ‘V’ shapes. By default a kit is included already. BS-LIPS5 included power assisted handpiece, thus powered cannulas have come into use to facilitate the back and forth movement of the cannula. This reciprocating motion allows easier movement through subcutaneous tissue when compared to manual techniques in some surgeon’s hands.
BS-LIPS5 is the model designed as all-in-one PAL:
• Power assisted or manual liposuction
• High pressure suction for lipolysis
• Infusion of the tumescent
• 3-way controller for optional
• Low noisy
• Autoclavable liquid path
• High speed reciprocating motion
• Easy to handle.